Friday, January 8, 2010

Beauty Blog Link Love

So I joined up to Beauty Blog Link Love recently and I think it's a fantastic way of introducing yourself and other people to some really great blogs (there's a button on my blog called BBLL linking to it). The blogs featured will always be good quality, regularly updated and relevant, which is always what I look for. I'm not on this week's link love but hopefully I will make next week's one. Link Love is basically a list of 15 blogs who are members of Beauty Blog Link Love and what they have been writing about this week. Of course if you are already subscribed to them then you will have seen the posts but if you're not, then it's a good way for you and your followers of finding more blogs that appeal to you.

theNotice is hosting a New Year's giveaway with lots of discontinued or hard-to-find items, and everyone has three chances to win!

Priminition, an expose on primers - over at Jeweled Thumb

A go-to
neutral purple-beige look from Maggie at The Polka-Dotted Apple!

Krasey Beauty warms it up for winter with a golden
makeup look using Chanel's Spring 2010 collection

This week at I Heart Cosmetics Sarah has been loving Mac's warm and cozy collection
Vex in the City explains why Dr Hauschka Rose Day Cream is all she needs to beat her winter blues

Amy over at Yoetke Beauty Blog is taking L'Oreal's 4-Week Lashboost Challenge!

Arianne can't stop raving about her holy grail foundation (OMG!) on Glitter Geek.

Lisa Kate has some Sparkle Approved Mineral Makeup Companies to share with you!

LiAnn asks what beauty products you tried that made you say "meh"

Retrodiva wants to know what your signature fragrance is!

Jellyminx Thinks swatches Sleek Eyeshadow palettes

Hot Beauty Health share some sexy haircolor ideas to start the new year off fresh!

Over at Lipglossiping this week, Charlotte contemplates life with triangle hair.

This week at Get Lippie, Louise tries out a Scarlet Johanssen-style makeover

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