Monday, July 26, 2010


Ok, so it's become increasingly apparent that I don't have any spare at all this week to blog! I am heading down to Loch Lomond on Thursday morning and there's still alot to sort out.  So I won't be blogging between now and then because I don't want to add extra stress on myself.

So that basically means that I will be absent for about 3 weeks what with the wedding and then the honeymoon.  But I will definitely update you guys with everything wedding and honeymoon related when I get back.  These are the kinds of posts that are lined up:
  • Wedding Day makeup look and what products were used
  • Wedding Day hair
  • Wedding photographs
  • Honeymoon photos
  • Honeymoon clothes
  • Purchases made in Kuala Lumpur, Borneo and Hong Kong
  • Products that served me well in extreme hot/humid conditions
  • Recommendations on sun protection products for hair, face and body
I love blogging so I will really miss having that contact with you guys but I will have so much to talk about when I get back.

Until then, take care of yourselves and wish me luck!


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