Monday, August 23, 2010

Honeymoon Pics Part 1: Kuala Lumpur

I won't bore you guys with every single pic we took on honeymoon (there WERE alot!) but I will post a selection of the best ones and talk a bit about what we did (not THAT kind of stuff! You lot have dirty minds!).

First stop on the honeymoon merry-go-round was Kuala Lumpur.  We were both really tired after the 12 hour flight but we were so excited to land and have a look around.  We stayed in the Shangri La in the city centre, it was very opulent and the staff were so friendly! It took a while to get used to being treated like a V.I.P and I kept feeling guilty about everyone running around after me.  We quickly realised that everything is pretty cheap in Malaysia so we went to town on romantic meals and treating ourselves to some shopping! Here's a quick look at our hotel...
Before we did anything, we both had a full body massage to try and sort out our swollen legs and ankles after the long flight.  It was heaven! Then one of the first things we saw was the KLCC Shopping Mall which had just about every shop you could wish for...Chanel, Jimmy Choo, Burberry, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, etc!
I was in makeup shopping heaven...
Next up was the famous Petronas Towers...
We popped along to the Chinese market and Chris was brave enough to try a 'fish pedicure'.  Basically it's a tank full of small fish that eat the dead skin from your feet...gross! They were waiting in anticipation for Chris to put his feet in, opening and closing their mouths...that was enough to put me off! Chris was wriggling around and said it tickled at first but then it became really relaxing...I'll take his word for it!
We also had a look around a bird park and met some new friends...
All the birds seemed pretty intelligent and were chattering away. The Hornbill on our laps was so funny, he was really chilled out and acted like a dog - he was quite happy being shown lots of attention.  I was a bit nervous of the big grey parrot on my shoulder though...I'm sure he was eyeing up my ear for lunch!
Here's the view of the Petronas Towers from our hotel room at night...
On our last day, we headed out of the city to see the Batu Caves, which is a Hindu temple and place of worship.  That day was a scorcher!...
It was a bit of a slog to get to the top in the baking heat...
I couldn't believe the amount of monkeys hanging around the place and they were so used to humans.  Often they would try and take food from your hands so I was keeping my ice cream close by!  Nothing was coming between me and my strawberry Cornetto!!!
All the walking around that day was a bit too much for Chris though...
We did loads of stuff in Kuala Lumpur but we'd be here day if I posted all of our photographs! We also went to a beautiful butterfly park, went up the KL tower, visited the palace and went to Chinatown. We really enjoyed our time there and I really felt like I learnt alot about the culture and history.  The thing I was most impressed about was the fact that there are so many different races and religions there but the people live in harmony with one another.  Everyone mixes together in everyday life and there doesn't seem to be any animosity.  There's not many places in the world that can say that. 

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