Friday, October 29, 2010

Style Crush: Eva Mendes

I love to watch what the glitterati are wearing because it provides great inspiration for your own outfits.  I would never all out copy someone's look because I am an individual and I like to chop and change things to suit me and my personality/style.  There are certain celebs who never seem to put a fashion foot wrong and Eva Mendes is one of those women.  I love almost everything that she wears because she mixes this retro 50's, feminine look with fluid goddess dresses and simple accessories.  You will never see her laden with jewellery because she opts for the less is more school of thought.   I think it was Coco Chanel who said "When accessorizing, always take off the last thing you put on".   I think that is sound advice!

Her 'grown up' style is classical at times but with a modern twist, be it an acid bright or contemporary silhouette.  Most of the time she favours pastels and neutrals which look amazing against her olive skin.  Her footwear is almost always a neutral shade so they never compete with the gown she is wearing.

She manages to look sexy and chic without showing too much flesh and I think that is the key to real style.  She wears alot of floaty feminine numbers but her figure is also made for 50's style prom dresses and structured shapes...we've ALL seen those Calvin Klein ads!

She knows what suits her and plays on it which makes her a real fashion inspiration for me.  I rarely see her in a dress and think "urgh...what were you thinking??".  I actually really admire people who are consistent in the way they want to look, rather than bending to whatever is in vogue.  To me, it seems ridiculous to wear something that looks unflattering on your figure just because it's in vogue. 

What do you reckon to Eva's style?

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