Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hi guys!
Well I had planned to blog a little today but the post I had planned just hasn't come together and I haven't had time to put the finishing touches to it.  So I decided to put it on the backburner and instead, let you know that I won't be posting again until next week as I'm heading to Berlin tomorrow morning!

Remember I said we were planning a European trip soon?  I had asked you guys where we should go and although Milan and Amsterdam were possibles, we finally decided on Berlin!

I haven't packed or anything yet and we're leaving very early tomorrow so tonight will be spent trying to do that, iron some stuff, drop Wolverine off at a friend's place and generally get myself sorted out!

We have sought alot of online advice and also tips from friends on what to see and do in Berlin.  We are planning on going clubbing one night to check out all the amazing bars and clubs...apparently they are dead until midnight and then they are open until sunrise! So we may come back needing another holiday!

I'm really excited to explore the city and will be taking loads of pictures to show you guys when we get back.  I learnt alot of the language at school so I will finally be able to put that to good use!  So until next week my friends...

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