Tuesday, February 2, 2010

MAC Haul

Ooooh it feels good to do a MAC haul! It's becoming a monthly event for me! As I said in a previous post, I ordered the 190 foundation brush and I will be comparing it to the Ruby & Millie one I recently bought. These products have all been on my lust list for god knows how long so I'm chuffed I have finally got my dirty little mitts on them. After a fierce recommedation from Alpha Blonde in one of her vids on YouTube, I had to get the 217 Blending Brush since she described it as amazing at softening your eye looks and single handedly making her makeup look more professional. I can't wait to start using this baby!
Alpha Blonde had also recommended Shy Girl lipstick so I picked up one of those - it always looks so good on her and since we have similar skintones, I figured it would suit me too. It's a gorgeous peachy shade that's a little bit sheer and I think it will look great with a tan in summer! After numerous recommendations of Angel lipstick in the comments on my wedding makeup post, I wanted to pick up this shade and I have to say I'm really pleased it. It's a beautiful natural pink that is so super flattering on me, I can tell already that it will be an everyday colour. It will be a great contender for my wedding day lipstick!
I have been trying out alot of different concealers as I've been looking for the perfect one to cover any blemishes/uneven skintone. I had heard that Studio Finish Concealer is brilliant for this type of thing so I am going to give it a go and see how I get on with it. I got it in NW20 and it looks like a good match for me. I remember Bubblegarm did a post on it not too long ago so that also made me want to test it out.
Since getting my first Fluidline ages ago, I have wanted to try out some more shades and this dark brown shade called 'Dipdown' will be perfect for a softer everyday colour. Sometimes black can be too much so I think this will be a really nice alternative.
Dollymix is a blush I have wanted to ages. Everyone seems to have it so naturally I got curious about this sheertone bright pink shade. It scared me a little when I saw it at first but once applied, because it's a sheer formula, it's very flattering and just adds a slight flush to the cheeks.
It almost has a red tone to it when it's in the pan, but when you swatch it or apply it to your cheeks, it's just a really lovely pink that makes me look very healthy. The slight shimmer is very finely milled and so it translates really well on the skin, creating a sheen rather than a glittery mess.
The last of my purchases is Pigment in Vanilla. Oooooh yes, it's the ever trusty one of the bunch. I have seen people use this as a highlighter, mixing it with moisturiser to give legs a beautiful sheen and also just as a plain old eyeshadow/base colour.
I just know this pigment will form the base of many a look in the future, it's so flattering on the skin, especially if you have a slight tan. The thing I love about pigments is that they seem to last forever. It feels so good to have a few things ticked off my lust list and so far, I'm pleased to say that none of the above has disappointed me at all. Yah for products living up to your expectations!

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