Tuesday, February 9, 2010

UK Beauty Blog & Vlog Awards...Vote for me!

I came home today and checked my emails and found out that I have been nominated for an award by the people at http://www.beautyjudge.com/ which is a website for real product reviews by everyday women in the UK. I have been nominated in the “The Everyday Woman Award” category which is specifically for blogs with under 500 followers. I don't know who specifically nominated me, or whether it was one of my followers but thank you so much. It means SO much to me and I'm so flattered! I put so much into my blog and it's a real passion for me.

If I win, the prize includes:
  • The Award badge to display on my blog
  • Details of my blog will be announced to thousands of BeautyJudge.com members
  • A feed of my blog will be added to the BeautyJudge site for 3 months
  • £75 (UK pounds) to spend on cosmetics/beauty brands of my choice

So, if any of you guys think that my blog is worthy of this award then please vote for me here http://www.beautyjudge.com/the-beautyjudge-uk-beauty-blog-awards-2010.html#howtovote using my unique Voting ID which is EWA1035. The closing date for votes is 28th February. There's also a prize draw for voters as well and the prize is a hamper of goodies.

I would absolutely love to win this award but please don't feel obligated to vote for me just because you follow my blog. I love blogging and the fact that people read my posts and enjoy them is just the cherry on top.

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